New World has a Napoleon look a like policy
The following may not make much sense if you have not seen the movie 'Napoleon Dynamite'. It is a comedy about a high school geek, and i highly recommend it.
So there i was just parking my bike at center city new world, and who should happen to walk by, but Napoleon Dynamite!!!
I know!!!
Yes it is true. You may have herd rumors of Napoleon look a likes, every city has a few.
Our very own Dunedin Napoleon works at Center City New World. When i saw him he had a bright orange fluorescent vest on (so uncool, but so Napoleon), and he was pushing trolleys through the car park. His mass of, slightly messy, curly sandy blonde hair bobbing as he walked. I wanted to go and ask him if i could have some tots, but i was scared he would say - Get your own Freakin tots! so i didn't. Instead i asked if i could borrow his chap stick, but he said Eww gross, they have like 5 sticks at the information desk. (Ok so i didnt talk to him, I didnt want to upset him, he probably gets it all the time!).
As i said, every city has a few. So Wellington folks don't despair, for a very real Napoleon Dynamite has been sited on numerous occasions at Chaffers park New World. This Napoleon is often found at the check out, and he gives you your receipt with two hands! Something Napoleon dynamite would definitely do. (thanks to my Wellington correspondent - Ryan for this tip off!)
Wherever you are, be alert, a Napoleon may be living near you. If you cant find one go to your local new world, they are bound to know where he is. Though i might add a note of caution - there are some people, who have the Napoleon hair, and that's all, beware these people are more common than the real look a likes.
I have arranged three categories for classifying them:
1) They got the slightly messy, curly blond hair
2) They got the hair, the style, and the look
3) They got the Hair and the whole look, and the attitude! These guys are rare, they are so in napoleons' zone they don't even know it. When you find one, he will make you smile.
Based on this classification the Dunedin new world Napoleon is a 2) and the Wellington is close to a 3) and there was a guy i saw in the link today who is a 1) (he does ceroc, you might know him).
Let me know if you sight either of these Napoleon Dynamite's or if you find a new one.
So there i was just parking my bike at center city new world, and who should happen to walk by, but Napoleon Dynamite!!!
I know!!!
Yes it is true. You may have herd rumors of Napoleon look a likes, every city has a few.
Our very own Dunedin Napoleon works at Center City New World. When i saw him he had a bright orange fluorescent vest on (so uncool, but so Napoleon), and he was pushing trolleys through the car park. His mass of, slightly messy, curly sandy blonde hair bobbing as he walked. I wanted to go and ask him if i could have some tots, but i was scared he would say - Get your own Freakin tots! so i didn't. Instead i asked if i could borrow his chap stick, but he said Eww gross, they have like 5 sticks at the information desk. (Ok so i didnt talk to him, I didnt want to upset him, he probably gets it all the time!).
As i said, every city has a few. So Wellington folks don't despair, for a very real Napoleon Dynamite has been sited on numerous occasions at Chaffers park New World. This Napoleon is often found at the check out, and he gives you your receipt with two hands! Something Napoleon dynamite would definitely do. (thanks to my Wellington correspondent - Ryan for this tip off!)
Wherever you are, be alert, a Napoleon may be living near you. If you cant find one go to your local new world, they are bound to know where he is. Though i might add a note of caution - there are some people, who have the Napoleon hair, and that's all, beware these people are more common than the real look a likes.
I have arranged three categories for classifying them:
1) They got the slightly messy, curly blond hair
2) They got the hair, the style, and the look
3) They got the Hair and the whole look, and the attitude! These guys are rare, they are so in napoleons' zone they don't even know it. When you find one, he will make you smile.
Based on this classification the Dunedin new world Napoleon is a 2) and the Wellington is close to a 3) and there was a guy i saw in the link today who is a 1) (he does ceroc, you might know him).
Let me know if you sight either of these Napoleon Dynamite's or if you find a new one.