Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I have lost my Fox & Friends

Fox News on Prime used to be at 11.30pm then it moved to 12.30am and now its at 2.30am! I feel sad, like a friend has moved away. I know its on Sky but I don’t have Sky. boo hoo. I guess I'll do more productive things like sleep. Anyway all they talked about these days is some election that is still a year and a half away. One day when I go to America I will go to New York and stand at the window behind Steve, Gretchen and Brian and I will wave and I will call Scott on my mobile phone so he can see and hear me! Yes I will be one of those people! Although I would rather do this, but I can’t.

There is a ladybug crawling across my window. Her legs move so fast. If my legs were as fast I would break some running records. If your legs were as fast would you go to the Olympics just to win - even if you really didn’t care about athletics? Is it possible to be blessed with great skills that you don’t care about?

Why does being sick always happen when you don’t want it to?
Answer: Because you always don’t want it to.
I am so deep.
