Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pet hates: Pak n' Save

Reasons why Pak n’ Save sucks

1) Trolleys trolleys trolleys only trolleys no baskets only one size of ginormous trolleys!
2) Not having what you actually want, not having what you don’t realize you want – but that you would if they had it, but they don’t because variety seems not to be a priority! Grrrrrr no Fettucini NO FETTUCINI! Fettucini is not even exotic!
3) Run for your life we’re all gonna die in this car park where, whether your in our out of the car, you never feel safe.
4) Would you like to pack your own bags with that! Would you like to spend five minutes standing at your car boot in the cold doing what the checkout expert could do in 1 min! No I don't happen to have one of those dirty moist yellow sponge things that enable your fingers to open the impossible to open bags!
5) A variation of the above but at the self-checkouts where you have to set up your own new bag on the scales. Even when the helper is standing around doing nothing, nothing but watching. Umm at New World the helper rushes to set up a new plastic bag as soon as you leave! Real service.
6) No chilled wine.
7) Hiding at the checkouts which are piled high with stalls of gum etc so that you actually have to go right up to the checkout before you can tell if it is inhabited by another customer or not! Honestly.

Sometimes I feel myself turning Red Ross on Pak n' Save.

But, reason why it doesn’t matter how much Pak n’ Save sucks:

1) location location location. I will still go there because it is right there on the way home.

And I suppose if I’m going to be fair and balanced I will give them credit for almost always being stocked with what they have (unlike countdown who tend to run out of things on special!). And yes they are cheapest.
