Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Lets talk about HPV

I was making a presentation at the 180th meeting of The Otago Medical School Research Society. It was Thursday Nov 3rd, it was 5pm. I was on time. They said be there 5 min early, ‘we want to start on the dot’. I was not 5 min early, I guess I was late. I saw someone I knew, she was sitting too close, front row. I went a few rows back, there were more rows back but I was happy with my place. $500 will be awarded for the best presentation, $250 for runner-up. 13 people applied, based on the abstracts we submitted a month ago 10 of us were selected. Our abstracts will be published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. The chair accidentally said ‘New England Medical Journal’, or was he making a joke? Anyway we laughed as he corrected himself, so did he. I liked him he was a good chair, he was very professional, he introduced us well, had a friendly voice and asked genuine questions about our research. Aaahhhhhhh my research, I have to talk about my research. What if I look like a fool. I’m going to look like a fool. I have 8 minutes, I’m going to go over that! I have so much to say. Look at me Look at me Look at me. Determine to just talk fast. Jesus loves me I tell my self, he thinks I’m cool for even being here, I’m doing his will, Im doing life with the Holy Spirit, lets just remember that I tell my self.

4 min of questions at the end, how nice. Gees I’m scared of the questions, I’m going over them in my, head. They will ask this I’ll say this. There’s only one other male, he’s first, he’s finished, they blasted him with questions. I’m nervous, they are asking hard questions, its like where in the big league now. This aint no unmarked 4th year class talk that I hardly care about, or some Thursday lab meeting where people are relatively nice when they ask you questions. Ask me something you think is easy, I think is hard, so I look dumb now don’t I, to you. Well Jesus loves me, lets just remember that. On the walls there are rather large paintings of prestigious looking men in black and red gowns. How imposing it all feels. Or maybe inspiring. Be all you can. I’m glad to be here, grateful for the experience, worth giving it all a go.

I’m speaker number 8. Justin Shields is the third speaker after the half time break. My half time break is on the toilet. I’m going over my slides. I printed them out just before I came over. I was going to read them instead of listening to the other speakers. Turns out I choose a seat next to a judge, don’t want to get in the bad books. I listen to them all. Someone is talking about Tamoxifen! I’m talking about Tamoxifen! Steal my thunder. The girl after me is talking about Tamoxifen! How hot are we, got our own little in crowd happening right there. They ask her questions about Tamoxifen, hmmm someone could ask me that too, hmmm ok so ill say this.

She’s done I’m up. The tech man asks Mac or PC? Mac. I made a cool animation of Human papillomavirus (that’s HPV - hence blog title) infecting some cells, and the disastrous events that follow. I used a Mac to make it, the PC doesn’t like it. Fair enough I guess. Only two others using the Mac, another in crowd, or was it the same one? I’m using the clip on mic, and a red laser pointer. I introduce my topic, first slide done, click mouse for next slide, ugg the right click menu pops up! click the left button - still ugg, i click the arrow key, or was it the space bar? action. I talk, I’m done, I’m under 8 minutes - how odd I think to myself. They ask questions I mange well. Someone starts his question by saying ‘good talk’, ‘thanks’ I say. No more questions I look to the chair, he releases me, I’m free. Back to my seat, my supervisor gives me congratulations.

Two more students talk. Drinks and nibbles and judges deliberate. Chocolate slice, beer,
sushi dipped in soy sauce (another lady simultaneously reached to dip, ahhh I had no time to pull out! I beat her, gosh I felt rude!), sultana slice, sandwich, chocolate slice, chocolate slice. I don’t win I’m not runner up, I must have been third surely!
