Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Being structured

Here is my plan for yesterday: How on to it organised and spiritual am I!!! Before you get all wowed by my incredible skills (which may be hard for some, cause we all know chicks like guys with skills). This is not the normal Justin Alexander Timothy Andrew Shields. Imagine 3 middle names, sounds rather intimidating, but two of those middle names just do not belong there, ohh game - who can guess the real one? hang on way of topic now. Yeah so Im trying to be organised. I had a bit of a revelation earlier in the week, I am someone who works better under structure. This whole year doing my masters research, without assignments or lectures has left me blowing with the times... Im a leaf in the wind, watch how I soar... but not so gracefully. So funny how its November and I realise now that I need to make my own structure. I think it really dawned on me cause I had an extra rough patch of procrastination and aimless meandering. Actually ever since starting this blog procrastination has soared to new levels. Maybe I had to go that low to really learn my lesson. Because previously i was somewhere loosely in between organised and not, I would plan stuff a bit but never realised how important it was to how efficiently I work. Any way I am putting more structure into my days and it has been goooood. Plus committing my plans to god, and including him in it all throughout the day has also been gooood - thus reason for Prov 16:3 as seen in the picture. Respect to anyone who can actually understand my plan, probably you wont cause its mostly lab stuff and a bit messy. And I realise how having a detailed plan like the one I have shown probably just stresses some people out but for me it is relaxing and helps me at least know what I need to do, even if I don’t stick to it rigidly… which I don’t.
