Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The goings on

This morning I awoke and thought. So this is Dunedin, so this is my life. yep its the place to be for me.

This is Dunedin from where I sit. This is the view from our deck this year.

My flatmate Kirsten is eating. I said those are wired muffins ay, and she said yeah their plain, and I said there just sponge cake turned into muffins and she said Ha only just realised it is sponge.

So she said... and then they said... so what did you say?

What if we lived in a society where we were to0 scared to go out to the edge of the sea. Lo0king at the Horizon I think what is out there what is beyond? But I know because of scho0l and maps and the amazing race and Intrepid Journeys and the News. Some people don’t know though, like they don’t even know where America is. Ha. But we don’t know where everything is like the Garden of Eden and other places, and that island on Lost, who knows where that is? I don’t and they don’t.

Jared has forgone his flatmate privilege and will wait till I publish my blog, I said he could know what’s in it right now, instead of your now which is actually later than my now and Jared’s now. Jared says I have good indoor outdoor flow skills and that chicks would be impressed. This is because I am blogging out side and opened the window to plug in my laptop Kirsten also forgoes now now flatmate privileges.

Oh what a rude cell phone that intrudes this serenity.

It is beautiful to sit out side in the shade and read and wot not. Sometimes though I feel like I’m in a war against the sun. I’m determined to never get sun burnt ever again in my whole life. And I will apply sun block and it will be SPF 30+, and after swimming I will re-apply it.

I think imagine if instead of this sun it was pouring with rain that would be so emotional, I sometimes find stormy weather exhilarating, when your in it and when your out but seeing and hearing it. And sometimes when It pours down I feel like even if I feel bad about something well the weather feels pretty bad about something too and its like where in it together. And If its sunny and Im in a good mood I think the same applies. My brother likes the rain too, he would like to get married in the rain actually. He says ‘how cool would that be!’ And it would be actually if you were all hoping for it to rain and expecting it and prepared for it, it only sucks when you don’t want it. It would suck if it was sunny though, because you would have paid extra for water proof clothes.

Happy Birthday to0 you etc so the song goes. And the singing it loudly at the neighbors house, and I can smell their BBQ, they sound like fun people because they sing happy birthday in a fun way, they go up and down in pitch and are laughing. Which is a sound that fun people make.

Funny I think the neighbor got a new car, because he is just sitting in it and playing music and just before the car was making cell phone noises, really wired, and sometimes he revs it and he is making the windscreen wippers wipe, and he was even getting under it to look at its belly.

Clip Clip Clipity Clip. So is the sound of nail clipping. Hands or feet I don’t know, but Jared does because it is him who does this Clip Clip Clipping. I have been wanting to do some clipping of my own, but I couldn’t locate my nail clippers, until recently. Jared dont think I dont know what you did! I saw you throw your clippings on the deck, and ha now everybody knows! Even your girrrrrrllllfriend, Im really helping you by sharing this, you know its not good to have secrets in a relationship. I could go over and have a look and find out if they were fingers or toes, gross no, who do you think I am! Im not here just to satisfy the world’s curiosity.

A post like this could last forever. But I will stop.
