Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Friday, January 06, 2006

The temperature of chocolate

It is 10.05 and I feel a bit sick from munch munch munching on a chocolate Santa for the past couple of hours, chocolate Santa is all hollow and munchable, when I first started eating it was a cold morning and the chocolate was not meltable in the mouthable. Don’t worry everything is ok now (well not for Santa). Chocolate Santa is just like an Easter rabbit but has smaller ears and a few other different features. Chocolate Santa, survived the plane trip quite well, compared to those rice crackers, now in a thousand pieces, more crackers to go around I guess. Of all the Easter chocolates I think I like the hollow rabbits the best, and the marshmallow eggs and why why am I writing about this. Gosh. Its been 2 weeks you say, 2 weeks and all we get is that last post about humpty dumpty and this post which combine to make nonsensical blobs of wordiness devoid of delicious news of summer extravaganzas, Christmas indulgence, New Year revelry and Birthday celebrations. Gosh, Justin what is this about your life or about some other crap? Where life means Napoleon Dynamite, baking biblical biscuits, and home invasions, and crap means the temperature of chocolate and putting on shoes at the top of a hill.
