Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Monday, January 09, 2006


Still not about my Christmas holiday in the Northern Island. But instead about the past weekend in Dunedin. On last Thursday I commenced relocation of all my possessions, they were to move form one flat to another about 6km away. They were first to be assorted into boxes and bags according to size, weight, shape and according to their kind. Thursday evening was the start of this boxifying, Friday evening was almost finishing it and Saturday morning was lat minute boxifying, then sealing with tape. Friday was also spent weeding the garden, a job which I ultra disliked as a child (all of us kids did) but now has some novelty, thought its mostly a case of it has to be done so do it. I was tired from weeding, my flatmate’s (Kirsten) Mum (Joy) came down to help us, she is a garden expert. I came across a green leafy thing I wasnt sure if it was a weed or a plant, it wasn’t that good looking but it could still be important, I pulled one out to show Joy… no it’s a plant. Opps. I continued wedding, then It dawned on me... I recall taking a leak in this very same spot! gross what was I thinking giving all that Nitrogen to the weeds, hehehe. Even more gross was the old glass milk bottle half full of green water with white slimy slugs about 5cm long inside, I picked it up to see what it was, ahhh, I left it there.

Flip of a coin, heads I win, in some ways I feel bad for winning but gosh someone had to. I get to choose a room, I am very happy with my new room, except for that dim light, is it the lampshade or just a low Watt bulb? I have yet to sort that out. I have yet to sort out many things that do require sorting of some kind.

On Friday night we find the new flat is a mess, the toilet wasn’t even flushed, there had been no vacuuming, 5c coins were randomly distributed through out the house, candles, cobwebs cobwebs cobwebs, a crusty old couch, kitchen stuff, food, a rubbish bag of clothes, abandoned abandoned all abandoned, and yes this is after the property manager had inspected it! Unacceptable! It all had to be cleaned Saturday morning before moving stuff in, we will be compensated for our troubles. Doh and the power had to be reconnected, cost extra on a weekend! Somehow I escaped the cleaning, I was moving furniture I tell you! Kirsten’s Dad (Tom) helped with moving furniture. Jared (also a flatmate) made multiple trips with all our beloved possessions using his work van. We also have a visitor for a week (actually a flatmate from back it the day) she also helped clean and unpack stuff. What a day, after the lows of Friday night Saturday night is an exhausted contentness.

On TV is a movie about a gathering storm, its about Winston Churchill pre WWII. I arrive at the end wishing I had seen the beginning. Earlier in the evening, during dinner there was a programme about 4 kids deciding who their single Dad will go on a date with, one lady they picked later arrived with pink hair.

9am church in the holidays? What sort of holiday is that! They are trying to get us used to showing up at 9am so that when it goes back to two services of 9am and 10.45am more people will keep going to the 9am. Not me. Well anyway you get tea (it was early grey though) and biscuits - in the middle of the service. We had our own property inspection at 3pm so twas back to the old flat and more cleaning. We have a sucky vacuum cleaner that doesn’t suck as strongly as I would like. Help was at hand thought with the arrival of cheap Asian labour (free, except for the returned favour of moving some more furniture), It is soooo much better doing things with more people, it really makes a difference, we were done well before 3pm I think. And passed, we scored a very well done x 3.

Sunday evening was dinner at the Gables, it’s the stables for gay horses!!!! Ha ha ha : ) or it could be know as Jian and Mel’s flat. Mel invited us for dinner, we had interesting conversation on topics such as how to kill a conversation and people eating live monkey brains!

Thank you to everyone that helped, Kirsten, Jared, Me, Christy, Joy, Tom, Mel, Jian, Soo sian you all made it so much easier and funner. Oh and Contact Energy who have a really good team of phone help people, I called them 3 times and seriously never had to wait more than 1 second to talk to someone.

P.S. In breaking news, we get TWO weeks free rent as compensation for the mess our new flat was in! thats $600 between the 4 of us! Kirsten must really have some good negotiating skills.
