Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Friday, January 27, 2006

Hedgehog X

There is a Hedgehog who lives in our back yard. He or she, we will call it X, X has no name well none I know of. Last night at 1am as I filled my drink bottle I saw X slowly meandering around our back courtyard. awwww how cute. It wasn’t so cute last week when X woke Kirsten at 3am whilst rummaging through our rubbish. I don’t know how long X has lived here, maybe longer than us, or maybe X is just passing through and is having a bit of a holiday at our place. Before I thought of taking a photo X was gone.

Poll Results for:
The one thing I have always wanted to say to you Justin is…

0% You are so beautiful
17% Will you marry me?
25% You look like a marshmallow
17% Your so vain I bet you think this blog is about you
42% But most of all I like the way you move

Hmmm a bit of the unexpected in this one, I mean has anyone actually seen how good I look these days? and the whole will you marry me thing, well its times like this I wish I could track who voted. It is a bit of a tough one, ya know with two people wanting to marry me, and really there is only room for one, what can ya do. I thought more would have called me vain, and less would say I looked like a Marshmallow and well I knew you would like the way I move.

Help us name our Hedgehog in the new poll. Now I know some of the names are a bit out there but dont blame it all on me. I let Kirsten and Jared each choose two names, and I chose two aswell, for some reason we all decided on boy names. Now its up to you! Take your time and make the right decision…

And if you have any of your own hedgehog dilemmas, don’t hesitate to call the hedgehog helpline or though its in England so you could be forgiven for hesitation.
