Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Strange but true

I am in the strangest mo0d. Its realLy an unhapPy mo0d where Im fed up with myself and say stufF it and do something weird. I felt like something like chocolate, the jafFas didnt satisfy and neither did the marshmalLows and mammamamamamm and I put on some sunglasSes whilst being inside at 9.30pm and I decided to have NutelLa on a piece of too0000aASt. And after it popPed I margarined it and thought im going to put sooooooo much NuttelLa on it so that it would just be ridiculous. And I sco0ped out heaps but i put some back. The Marmite was just beside me and I though that I could put some Marmite on with the NutelLa, and I knew it wouldnt go together but WHO CARES! and I sco0ped out heaps of Marmite but then I put some back. The marmite turned the NutelLa to like a dark chocolate colour. I tell you it was weird as to eat, entirely disagreEing with my taste whilst fulLy complementing my state of mind. Someone nearby suggested putTing some tomato and letTuce on, ha! silLyness I thought, but then I imagined my NutMite toast with tomato and lettuce and mayonnaise on top, then i realised the ridiculousnesS of what was being contemplated so I snapPled myself out of it, thinking what a weird mo()d im in.

This morning at approximately um 9am I poured milk on my cereal, I expected the milk to come gushing out in a beautiful stream but it came out heavy and sort of sagged out of the bottle onto my cereal, I expected it to create an arc as it came out but it just went down. Odd. Maybe I was expecting too much. No! I thought defiantly, it is my favorite lite blue milk and I will expect no less! To expect no less would normally not lead to the disappointment of that moment. But to have normally you have to have a fridge that is working like it normally should, and we don’t have one of those. The milk smelt bad even though it's “best before 04 FEB 06”, and I thought you blameless milk and you bad bad fridge. For a moment I almost put it back in the fridge, but being the bigger man and taking the initiative I washed it down the sink, about a liter. The fix-it guy, who was very happy, says our fridge isn’t worth fixing soooooooooo new fridge hopefully. But but but that all is beside the fascinating point of this story. I was really proud of myself after this next bit. You’ll be thinking it was too late for the cereal, with all that blameless bad milk on it, ya know I thought like that once..... but now.... Im a winner! I mean cereal is one thing that is just painful to buy in the supermarket because you want it so bad but it just seems overpriced, especially when you compare it to the cheap but nutritionally lacking cocoa puff things, or the cheap but not as tasty Weet-bix. So not wanting to waste it I thought: ‘I could wash all the bad milk off the cereal then it would be just like new!’ BRAIN WAVE! So I tipped it into a sieve and ran water through it. Then I added yogurt and peaches (in a bowl, not the sieve). Feel free to use this technique whenever your caught in such a situation, especially if you want to impress.
