Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

World Focus

The best thing about the Otago Daily Times is the World Focus magazine on Mondays, its awesome, I love it. Its full of articles on world current affairs that have originally been published in famous papers like The Washington Post or The Guardian (actually I don’t know where that’s from, Britain maybe?). Plus it has great photos to go with all the stories, for example in today’s one there was a photo of these guys in Nepal carrying furniture on their heads. I have liked this magazine since it started in umm 2004 I think, but I have only read it sporadically when I get my hands on it for free, and then I realised hey they actually sell this thing and surely it doesn’t cost that much, especially considering the joy it brings me. And so today I brought it myself for 90c. I don’t really need the rest of the paper because I usually read it at Uni where my department has a subscription. BUT! And I mean this really annoys me, someone always nics the World Focus feature on Mondays and I never get to read it!!!!!!! Which makes me mad! I dont know who it is or who they think they are! I mean its supposed to stay in the tea room for the whole department to share! What do they think? that nooooooobody else is interested in world news and events! Like they are the only ones! I wouldn’t mind if they waited till the end of the day after people have had a chance to read it, but this person must get up super early on a Monday so they can get in before anybody else. Well a couple of weeks ago can you believe that it stayed in the tea room all-day-long, really I was astonished. Maybe the thief was sick, on holiday, gone forever???? So I got my chance to take it home (at the end of the day) and rediscover its coolness, which is how I came to think about paying for it myself, and the thief was back today, so here I am now much more happy with my own copy but still thinking its all so rude.

Poll results for what we should name our flat Hedgehog:

19% Llyod
5% Sonic
43% Enklebert Humperdink
29% Herman
0% Jock
5% Ruben

I feel like democracy failed me on this one. I guess If I really wanted it my way I should have just named him myself or had better advertising/propaganda to convince you to agree with me. I mean if you had seen this hedgehog I think we all would have agreed he definitely looked like a Ruben. Now for the rest of the year I and have to say Enklebert Humperdink whenever talking about the hedgehog. Incase you were wondering that name was suggested by my flatmate Kirsten. Its all part of that failed democracy thing where in fairness I let my flatmates come up with possible names.

Of coarse there is now a new poll now.

Bring it aroooooound, bring it aroo000oound too00oown.
