Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Lunch with Justin, so hot right now

Yes my blogg readers finally pulled through and we managed to get 18 votes on the last poll, the results:

The worst thing you could say whilst evangelising is:

28% you don’t have what it takes to be a Christian
6% God is like an onion...
6% You are so hot!
28% Behold I am an angel of the Lord, hear me roar!
33% Yes god made you fat

In all honesty I thought this was the funniest poll I have ever invented. It cracks me up to imagine saying something like that to someone! :) The idea for the poll was spawned from a conversation with a guy form another church in Dunedin where they were trying to make evangelism less scary to people in church by making it a little light hearted. They came up with evangelism points where if you said some thing like "god is like and Onion" then you got points, and if you then went on to actually explain how god is like an onion you get even more points! But the idea was not actually to get people to say these random things, just to help them see it didn’t have to be so big and serious. Anyway the first two options were from that guy and the other 3 I came up with. Ha, anyway I thought it was funny, and because all the options are terrible things to say there was really no overwhelming winner the vote was split fairly evenly between the top 3 anyway, with the fat one topping the list. Interesting.

Today I was supposed to have lunch with two people at two separate times. I have never been so popular to have to do this, so I organised one lunch at 12, and another lunch at 2pm. The plan was to eat half my food at the first lunch and save some till later, thus both people would think I had eaten my lunch with them and be satisfied with our lunching. On top of this, and to add to the illusion of my obvious popularity, both of these people actually wanted to have lunch with me yesterday. But… you see I all ready had plans to have lunch with a completely different person! Can you believe all this, but wait there is more... I usually just have lunch with my lab mates because its easy and they are cool, so today they also asked me to come have lunch with them as well! So. Hot. Right. Now. Cant touch this.

But oh it turns out I’m not so popular after all, my second lunch got canned. But oh turns out that someone else was also invited to the first lunch so I actually I did have lunch with two people and am still oh so popular. But all my scheming has left me with half a lunch still to eat, and no body to eat it with, I guess that’s what happens to cheaters, and those too popular for their own good.
