Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Summer has come and past. The sunny times can never last. Wake me up when my Masters ends

Its been a summer of good and bad. I could leave it there but I wont I will say more, lots and lots more. More about the good than the bad, because its harder to write about the bad, not knowing how to say it how much to say or even why I would be saying anything. Its been a summer of two half’s. The BC, Before Christmas and the AD, After December, and well to be fair there was the middle the HT, the HamilTron. Im now to try summaries these three distinct eras of time. The thought of it seems too much effort and almost scares me from attempting to, but the time has come and the review must proceed.

The BC already seems millions of miles away. Back then there was Carmi and Jo living between two flats, back then I was still living in Ravensbourne, there was student lunches with a handful of people, but a handfuls all you need at any one time really. There was helping my friend Kylie move flats, which became a very memorable day meeting lots of her friends. Oh yeah there was the one-off summer life group at Nicolas where we tried to follow the Elim study but went on a tangent and got controversial on sex before marriage. Tangents and controversial both make for interesting conversations, as does sex before marriage. Then there was also the Apo summer lifegroup I went to once in BC. And then there was lab work that wasn’t going well but actually ended on a positive note before I headed to the HT. My supervisor pointed out that some of my results which I thought were crap were actually not so crap, she always gives me hope.

The HT, I never got around to bloging about it, it was a good time. Its awesome hanging with my family Ive got some cool siblings that are really wack and crazy and unique and its so awesome how our sense of humors gel and we have all these shared childhood experiences and jokes and favorite things and I dont know if the rest of the world gets us but I know the rest of the world is glad to have us. Haha! My High school friends who there was only ever a handful of but we still catch up once a year. This HT middle era also saw me in Tauranga at Jesses 21st, good times swimming at the Mt, and seeing people I knew and hadn’t seen since the desertion of Dunedin in November, or even longer than that.

AD was back here in sweet Dunedin. It was moving flats, it was the beach, the few extra people doing summer school, the tramping, Chinese New Years eve playing settlers of Catan, and the Apo lifegroup for a second time. I have come to love Dunedin over the summer, this being my 3rd experience. I love the quiteness the easy goingness the more time to myslefness the less responsibilityness, the less hecticness. In many ways I can see a trend as in previous years. Its like your circle of friends shrinks and so you spend more time just with yourself, and with people you knew but just not too well. Last summer we had an Elim summer lifegroup and I remember it was cool hanging out with those people more. This time I have also gotten to know some Elim people better but also met some completely knew people.

There are various signals that appear as January moves into February and I start to realize all the quietness is about to die. Dan (flatmate and leader of church student group Cutting Edge) coming back is one, its like now he’s back and CE is getting back into action, so now I have to get back into action. In truth I need some action, especially with god, summer can be so easy going it provides too much opportunity to let things slip. Now its back to building a relationship with god, feeling like oh why did I waste 3 months hardly spent with him. If only ... how much closer I would be to him now. But its awesome because right when I have been feeling so lowly before him god has been drawing me in. I just hope that I will be able to grasp and understand all he is saying. So there I did manage to share one of the hard things. Another would be my masters research which has been a huge struggle of overcoming procrastination which has been feed by disappointment and perfectionist ideals. So socially this summer has truly been great, but in other areas it has been a struggle.

But wait the summer is actually still going, right now its in the OW, O Week. There is no easing back into student life around hear, its full on 100% IM A STUDENT HEAR ME ROAR!!! Action. Rewind a week and this was the future, this OW was the foretold great coming of the many, this was the great return of life and sentient beings to the lonely wind sweep paths and buildings of the UO, University of Otago. This of coarse was no surprise, but you cant help thinking its so busy, there are so many students around, man those freshers look so young and well... fresh. And in other thoughts – all these new people seem to be much better looking than usual, is it only the ugly people that stay in Dunedin over summer?
