Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me

Right now I feel so cheeky. Like I want to play fight you and pin you to the floor until you confess that Justin rules the world and is the greatest! Like I want to send you a random txt that will shock and confuse you all the way home. I want to eat chocolate pudding, and then I want to scoop it out and through it at your face – and then spray you with whipped cream! Muhahahah! I want to rolly polly down the hill and I want to win. I want to be a kid again! I want to laugh like I did at design weekend when we had a mad pillow fight, when at first I was too cool to join in but then did anyway, and we laughed for no reason except that we all knew how silly it was. And like in 2003 when I smeared custard across a flatmates face! :) And how a guy in my lifegroup did the biggest poo that would never flush away, and how he thinks its the greatest claim to fame and the funniest thing in the world – whenever we talk about it he rolls up laughing so hard his face goes red.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Visual DNA

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I can see it!

Today I got the first draft of my discussion section back from my supervisor. Its a moment I've been looking to as when I will know that its all down hill from here. The discussion being the last major section I have to finish. I still have a bit more to do on it but no more than I was expecting. After the discussion I have to do the abstract, a few flow diagrams for my introduction, touch up a few figures in my results, find a few odd references, make a list of abreviations, final proof read, format it all and print. So just lots of small odd jobs. I'm not finished but I can finaly see the light at the end of the tunnel baby!

Oh by the way I just noticed that my last post was my 100th post on this blog!
