Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dear Dunedin

Thanks for all the times! All the phases: from hall living to friend flatting to random flatting. From lectures to labs to essays to a thesis and a "real" job! From who I was to who I am. It all happened here. You have brought out a strength and confidence. You have brought me friendships for life - and for that I will always hold you dearly close and think of you fondly.

I've shopped your shops, drunk your coffee, walked, cycled and driven your streets, heard your professors, swam through your pools, hurled your snow at crazy mates, ripped up your dance floors, filled your land fill, touched down at your airport, lay upon your grass under your sun, smelt your burnt coffee and chocolate air and felt your cold winter chill. I've seen you and I've been you.

Somehow it's time to say I love you but I have to leave. I need to see other places, peoples and learn and grow. I may be back, but I may not. Oh and before I forget - look at your back yard! Central Otgao, Fiordland, Southland and Stewart Island. Gotta love it! and I do.


P.S. treat the future generations well, and be ready to welcome me back one day!
