Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Friday, August 18, 2006

A bit of graphic design with some word processing on the side

Hello world. Today I am in a weird mood. Its hard to explain. Its not weird in a good way. Which leaves a bad way by default. A default I’m not totally sure really matches as a label for this mood, but which I suppose is correct in its bluntness. I think I’m frustrated at progress in my thesis. I have spent a long time composing figures from all my results. I am very happy with how things are shaping up, my figures look hot! In a scientific way. But, these great degrees of hot have taken greatly from my bank of time, that now I am poor and I try to be thrifty. Which is hard, cause I like to tinker with my figures getting them to be just right. But I am moving on baby. On to Microsoft Word, I see that Corel Draw in my rear mirror and I say, farewell O great tool of creativity, aid in the pursuit of all things good to the eye and the mind. Where in such equality of purpose, synergy is. Though away from me, drain of time. In Microsoft Word will I create now. Not of visuals like that of a graph, a photo or scanned dark bands upon white backgrounds. No, now I create with words, visual I guess, considering no brail will be used. I will be back to Corel Draw, and I shant be gone long. More figures are yet to be composed, yet more toil and tinkering, to end justly in satisfaction.

I think my thesis is actually going to be good now. I found out that another student in my lab has been able to reproduce some of the results I got. Which I can tell you was the greatest thing I have heard at least in the past few months! im just vaguely pulling that time scale out in the hope it will suggest to you that It was a really big deal to me. I think I can move on a bit now and not doubt my work so much. Perhaps I have actually figured something out during all this, perhaps I actually got something right! Astonishing, exciting, motivating me on.
