Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Wont somebody please think of the children?

Hey guess what, I have a new flat mate and guess what his name is... its Jared, and I already have a flatmate called Jared. And guess what else, I lost a flatmate (who still retains friend status), her name was Kirsten and guess what she moved into a flat that already had a Kirsten. How absurd, you would think the world could learn to share its Jared’s and it’s Kirstens around a little more fairly. I mean here in the west we have only 20% of the worlds population and yet we hog 80% of the Jared’s and 79% of the Kirstens. And lets not forget those in need within our own communities, the people that go without every single day. Some people don’t even know a Jared or a Kirsten, let alone live with one. Perhaps we need to ask once again, What would Jesus do?

I know your thinking... so crazy in Justin’s life right now!

Tell me about it.

Today I had lunch with Abby, and six other cool chicks. We talked about, sorry I mean they talked about romance, marriage proposals and kidnappings, I just took it all in. It seems to me that it doesnt matter how crappie you propose to your bonny lass, as long as it makes for a funny story in the future.

Dictionary trivia: Bonny means “healthy and good looking”.

I hope you have a bonny day, and that you will go to Bonny Dune, and see the Bonny rolling hills/high voltage power lines... ahhhhh the serenity.

So bonny right now.

I see your drinking 1%... is that cause you think your not bonny?

I caught you a bonny bass.
