Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tables, so hot right now, tables

This post is unlikely to be the most great of all posts ever wirtten. But it shall be a filler a piece to fill the space of time which has past since post titled ‘Fruit Sticks’. All fruit sticks have been consumed and in an interesting act of self will no more have been purchased. I say interesting because it really didnt require much will, it just happened and life went on, candyless yet satisfied. Which reminds me of that Toblerone that Jared brought me, I really could do with eating that right now, alas it is at home where I am not. Not to be for probably eight more hours, by which time I will not eat it, due to proximity of time to be in bed and sleep to be done.

Since finishing my Materials and Methods sections a week ago I have struggled through trying to get my results into figures. This part is alot harder than the previous, due to the mess that is my results. I dont even like to look at them. Its just a painful process that makes me feel like I could have done everything so much better. Mahh I just have to get over it and do do do it.

I have learnt how to make a table look so much hotter than imaginable. The secrete is to remove all vertical lines and only use horizontal lines sparingly, also using a double line in certian places can really add to the beauty. Im telling you this will make your tables look 20 years younger in minutes! Observe for your self:



A revolution in table formatting is upon us!
