Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The superiority of Axes to Shares in regards to ownership transfer

I have little aim too this post, except that I want to. Which is why on this Saturday morning that I type click click click, and share my thoughts to those scattered and aggregated, each enjoying their own Saturday mornings, or not.

Do you know what a good Birthday present is? How about shares? Well if you think that you would be wrong. Because if you buy shares for someone else, you still own them dont you! So how do you really give them to someone else? Shares are not designed to be easy Birthday presents. Now on the other hand an Axe is wonderfully designed for ease of ownership transfer. You just give it and its gone from you to them. An axe is a great present if you really want the receiver to remember for the rest of their life what you got them. For one thing people don’t buy that many axe’s do they? Compared to CD’s which there are infinity of. And Books which there are infinity x 10 of. Be careful to wrap your axe appropriately so the receiver doesn’t get hurt. I suspect cardboard would make for good wrapping material. However an axe is only a cool present once per circle of friends. After that the originality factor = 0 and the axe becomes just a piece of sharp metal, might as well get a knife. Unless it becomes an "in thing" where everyone has to have an axe. Then if you don't get someone an axe for their birthday, they will feel left out and un-cool, you might as well get nothing.
