Justin. It's short for - The Incredible Justin

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


[This post does not contain spoilers]
It’s certainly time for a new poll. Its been a week since the conclusion of Season 2 of Lost. Although the season had a bit of a lull in the middle where nothing happened, it ended well enough with some interesting developments. There are trillions of characters in Lost but this poll is restricted to the main survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, even then there are quite a few to choose from. So it will be interesting to see who people actually like. Even if your not a regular watcher of Lost but you have seen some of it and have a favorite character then just vote based on that. But if you really don’t know then don’t feel left out cause there is an option for that too!
As for me I joined the party late so haven’t even seen season 1, though I might get round to watching it on DVD sometime in the future. I find it interesting how the characters seem to change quite a lot, especially when you get to know them better form their back stories. Usually these back stories make me like a character less becasue they are often doing something stupid or just being annoying. Where as on the island they seem to be way cooler. Perhaps its not so much that they are changing but that we just get to see different sides of them that we didnt expect.

Results for which super power would you most want are:

How surprising that only one person voted for fire breathing. Considering that if you were lost in the woods it would be very helpful at keeping warm and cooking food. Perhaps we need an appreciation for the simpler things in life.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Wont somebody please think of the children?

Hey guess what, I have a new flat mate and guess what his name is... its Jared, and I already have a flatmate called Jared. And guess what else, I lost a flatmate (who still retains friend status), her name was Kirsten and guess what she moved into a flat that already had a Kirsten. How absurd, you would think the world could learn to share its Jared’s and it’s Kirstens around a little more fairly. I mean here in the west we have only 20% of the worlds population and yet we hog 80% of the Jared’s and 79% of the Kirstens. And lets not forget those in need within our own communities, the people that go without every single day. Some people don’t even know a Jared or a Kirsten, let alone live with one. Perhaps we need to ask once again, What would Jesus do?

I know your thinking... so crazy in Justin’s life right now!

Tell me about it.

Today I had lunch with Abby, and six other cool chicks. We talked about, sorry I mean they talked about romance, marriage proposals and kidnappings, I just took it all in. It seems to me that it doesnt matter how crappie you propose to your bonny lass, as long as it makes for a funny story in the future.

Dictionary trivia: Bonny means “healthy and good looking”.

I hope you have a bonny day, and that you will go to Bonny Dune, and see the Bonny rolling hills/high voltage power lines... ahhhhh the serenity.

So bonny right now.

I see your drinking 1%... is that cause you think your not bonny?

I caught you a bonny bass.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The superiority of Axes to Shares in regards to ownership transfer

I have little aim too this post, except that I want to. Which is why on this Saturday morning that I type click click click, and share my thoughts to those scattered and aggregated, each enjoying their own Saturday mornings, or not.

Do you know what a good Birthday present is? How about shares? Well if you think that you would be wrong. Because if you buy shares for someone else, you still own them dont you! So how do you really give them to someone else? Shares are not designed to be easy Birthday presents. Now on the other hand an Axe is wonderfully designed for ease of ownership transfer. You just give it and its gone from you to them. An axe is a great present if you really want the receiver to remember for the rest of their life what you got them. For one thing people don’t buy that many axe’s do they? Compared to CD’s which there are infinity of. And Books which there are infinity x 10 of. Be careful to wrap your axe appropriately so the receiver doesn’t get hurt. I suspect cardboard would make for good wrapping material. However an axe is only a cool present once per circle of friends. After that the originality factor = 0 and the axe becomes just a piece of sharp metal, might as well get a knife. Unless it becomes an "in thing" where everyone has to have an axe. Then if you don't get someone an axe for their birthday, they will feel left out and un-cool, you might as well get nothing.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tables, so hot right now, tables

This post is unlikely to be the most great of all posts ever wirtten. But it shall be a filler a piece to fill the space of time which has past since post titled ‘Fruit Sticks’. All fruit sticks have been consumed and in an interesting act of self will no more have been purchased. I say interesting because it really didnt require much will, it just happened and life went on, candyless yet satisfied. Which reminds me of that Toblerone that Jared brought me, I really could do with eating that right now, alas it is at home where I am not. Not to be for probably eight more hours, by which time I will not eat it, due to proximity of time to be in bed and sleep to be done.

Since finishing my Materials and Methods sections a week ago I have struggled through trying to get my results into figures. This part is alot harder than the previous, due to the mess that is my results. I dont even like to look at them. Its just a painful process that makes me feel like I could have done everything so much better. Mahh I just have to get over it and do do do it.

I have learnt how to make a table look so much hotter than imaginable. The secrete is to remove all vertical lines and only use horizontal lines sparingly, also using a double line in certian places can really add to the beauty. Im telling you this will make your tables look 20 years younger in minutes! Observe for your self:



A revolution in table formatting is upon us!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fruit sticks

Things are rather quiet around the place. All but one of my flatmates are absent and many other humans I know are away. But I have been busy writing my thesis. Which has been going OK. I have a desk in the “write up room” which is where people go to write their thesis’s after completing their experiments. Which I have completed (bar one quick thing). To keep me going I have been eating lots of fruit sticks, which are basically flavored sugar sticks, ah they are so good. I used to buy them for 5cents from the dairy in my younger days, but now I get them for 79c/100g from New World. Yesterday I went back for my third lot, each time I get even more than before. My mum says I should eat nuts, but fruit sticks are cheaper. Last week I wrote my Materials and Methods section, I didn’t think it would take all week but making sure I got all the small details right took a bit of time, plus I had a job interview which I had to prepare for.

Yes that’s right I had a job interview last Thursday. I haven’t really been hunting for jobs yet, because I want to focus on finishing my thesis. But I got an email sent to me about this one form Seek.co.nz and thought it looked cool enough to at least apply. The interview went ok. But thats all, just ok. I didnt pick up many positive vibes from them so I didn’t feel they were that excited about me. Anyway I guess that’s for them to decided not me. From my perspective it would be an awesome job, the company seems pretty interesting. Should know in about a week after they have interviewed everyone else. I’m not too worried about it because there are other options I have in terms of post thesis employment. Plus I gave the whole process my best effort (in terms of preparing my CV and preparing for the interview). So I place my best effort in gods hands and will be happy however it turns out.

I Saw Superman returns on Thursday which was ok but not great, just a bit too shallow really. Though there were a few good parts, the opening credits for one were awesome! Pirates of the Caribbean is coming out this week it looks ok but im not too sure, it could go both ways really. But then I never expected the first one to be any good and it actually was. Plus I think I need to see the first one again because dont remember a whole lot of the storyline.

Someone wrote me a letter last week which really touched me, seriously it was a really good letter! One thing I have noticed about experiencing love is it makes you want to love others. Part of it is that you want others to also know how good it feels, but it is also more than that... its like a substance which you have acquired. Almost like currency, so that before you were poor and had no love to give but afterwards you become rich and have something to give. Or its like a learned skill, so that after someone has shown you love, you then know how to love others. It seems though that things come down to our perception of love, since god loves us always unconditionally yet we can be so blind to it. I think I need a greater understanding of gods love.

In other news regarding love, my mum gave me some $ to get some new pants. She is always worried about me being too cold. So now I think my pants shortage is almost over. Yesssssssss!
